We believe that people who enjoy a good work-life balance, spending quality time outdoors with their best companions, be it their dogs, their horses, or their family; experience more meaningful connections that ultimately lead to a more joyful and satisfying life.
We believe that, people living a work-life balance, spending quality time outdoors with their best companions, be it their dogs, their horses, or their family, experiencing meaningful connections that lead to a joyful and satisfying life.
Award winning footwear brand for an active life with
your best companion.
Award winning footwear brand for an active life with
your best companion.

Our mission is to help you to collect meaningful moments with your best companions.
Our mission is to help you to collect meaningful moments with your best companions.
Our mission is to help you to collect meaningful moments with your best companions.
Schuhe mit Merinofell von SUEDWIND FOOTWEAR® werden aus hochwertiger Neuseeländischer Merinowolle hergestellt - einer 100% natürlichen Faser, die sich durch ihre besondere Feinheit und Weichheit auszeichnet.
So entstehen angenehm weiche und robuste Schuhe mit hohem Tragekomfort.